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Bottle and Rope Fund

The Bottle and Rope Fund provides high quality traps for caretakers who have pledged and demonstrated their ability to TNR and provide care through our 50 Feral Fix program. Their continuation of caretaking is vital as it only takes one new feeder to undo all of the work they did to fix their colonies. The Bottle and Rope fund provides them a large gravity trap that can be used to selectively trap and maintain the colonies that they now have under control.


Why Bottle and Rope?

Competent caretakers don't turn new cats away. They quickly start feeding and fix them so that the colony does not increase in size again. Since the new cats show up one by one, they often have to use the "Bottle and Rope" trick shown to prop the trap open and only catch the new cat! Our gravity traps are durable, safe, and versatile and will last for years, and allows us to keep supporting our 50 Feral Fix graduates.

Give a Trap to a Caretaker in Need

Your donation provides a Tru Catch 36D, Tomahawk GT608, or drop trap to a committed caretaker who has pledged to stay on top of the colony they feed.


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